Pillow Talk Tips to Make Bedtime More Fun - Pillow Cube

Pillow Talk Tips to Make Bedtime More Fun

Pillow Talk Tips to Make Bedtime More Fun

Pillow talk is a great way to wind down at the end of the day, and even more importantly, a great way to bond with your significant other. Pillow talk can be sexy, serious, flirty, or casual, as long as the two of you are bonding. This precious time together is valuable at any stage of your relationship, particularly when life gets crazy. If you have conflicting work schedules, kids constantly interrupting your conversations, or you can’t get comfortable when facing each other in bed, it’s time to learn, or re-learn, how to initiate pillow talk.

How to Initiate Pillow Talk

For starters, you need to create a space that is comfortable, loving, and safe. This is not the time for criticism or doubts. This is your chance to open up about important things, solve problems, discuss dreams, and simply enjoy one another’s company. 

Create or improve the feeling of intimacy by positioning yourselves in a way that invites conversation. Lie on your sides, facing each other. This encourages emotional intimacy, keeps your attention on your partner, and shows them you are ready to listen. When the lights are out, the distractions fade away, and it becomes easier to focus on the words being spoken. It also means you won’t be able to see your partner’s facial expressions, allowing you to let your guard down and not worry about judgment.

What Topics are Best for Pillow Talk?

If you have successfully established a safe space for sharing, you can talk about almost anything. Don’t worry; there’s no pressure to chat late into the night like you did when you first started dating. Sometimes, a few minutes is all you need. Just do what comes naturally. However, it is best to avoid topics that cause tension or kill the mood, such as those listed below.

Your parents
Job stress
Bad habits
Major life decisions

    Pillow talk is not the same kind of talking you do during foreplay, though it’s not a bad thing if it eventually leads there. Try incorporating genuine and specific compliments before things heat up. Increasing your emotional intimacy will inevitably lead to an increase in physical intimacy. It’s healthy to use dirty talk for fun, as long as you don’t rely on it to take the place of real conversation. Try some of the topics below.

    Things you enjoyed during the day
    Things your spouse did that made you feel good
    Something you felt proud of
    Something that made you laugh
    Something you are looking forward to
    Fun questions like these suggestions from The Dating Divas 

      Sometimes you may not feel like talking, and that’s okay too. Try cuddling, backrubs, kissing, or . . . well, I think you know where to go from there. However, the majority of the time, you should do a little talking before or after sex as well. The goal is to gradually build on your existing emotional intimacy and maintain that close connection throughout your relationship. 

      Use the Pillow Cube to Support Pillow Talk

      A Pillow Cube is the perfect tool for pillow talk because it perfectly supports your head when lying on your side. Its cube shape and memory foam fit into the square space formed by your head and shoulders, so you can face your significant other and lie comfortably for as long as you like. 

      Get a Pillow Cube for you and your partner today and learn how to pillow talk like a pro.

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